Monday, September 30, 2013

French General 9 patch

Kath started this quilt in about 2009 with some help from Anne.  

This week she finally finished her it and is pleased with the result.


Corner stone

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sonja's World

The last quilt for a while by Sonja.    Her own quilt of the world with animals and eventually flags of the world border.

We will miss you says Robyn W

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Solo performance by Rita

Rita has built up her skills on the frame and stippled her very large queen bed quit on her own.  She did a great job and is very pleased with the results.

Rita is seen here using the Stitch Regulator made possible by a grant from Mansfield Shire Community Matching Fund.

Her smile says it all.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Stitch regulator and Sue G quilting for Charity

The new stitch regulator that we received funding from the Mansfield Shire Community Matching Fund has arrived and Sonja and Kath  installed it.

Sue G finish a quilt for the Children with Cancer project and was the first to experiment with the new stitch regulator.

Serious quilting

Monkeying around

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Charity Patchwork & Quilt Exhibition

Saturday 2 November & Sunday 3 November

10.00am- 4.00pm: Charity Patchwork & Quilt Exhibition

Entry $5 per person (includes an entry to win a valuable door prize.).

RSL Hall, 30 Highett Street, Mansfield.

Further information: 
Presented by Mansfield High Country Quilters.
A beautiful display of over 50 members' and charity quilts.  Showcasing an outstanding level of skill, dedication to the craft and beauty. Come and see the vast array of styles from traditional to modern quilts.

The Mansfield High Country Quilters, a group of volunteers with their amazing skills and kind hearts, unite together to sew beautiful quilts for children with cancer, disabilities and other local charities. Funds raised will purchase fabric and batting to continue this worthwhile cause to create quilts for charity.

The Quilters, under the auspices MACE (Mansfield Adult Continuing Education) meet weekly to learn, share skills and foster friendship.

Quilt made by Lynne and quilted by Amelia.

   Comforts Quilts with Love project quilt finished. Supported by Mansfield & District Community Bank