Tuesday, May 24, 2016


A beautiful and bright colored Quilt. This is an other lovely product of the team Gay and Sue.

For once this quilt didn’t go straight to the Children’s hospital it stays in town. A local girl who was diagnosed with cancer is now the happy owner of the Sunshine Quilt which should give her lots of comfort when going to the hospital.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Simple Squares and Bars

Sonja made this very simple Quilt after a pattern of Jill Abeloe. For the quilting she used the flower stencil on for the frame. It turned out to be a beautiful and colorful quilt, a girl will love it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Birch tree

This Kids Quilt was started by Kathy with this quilt and it ended up being a group project. By putting some of those left over strips together the birch tree look was  achieved then just find some great bright colors and  it all comes together. The quilting has been done by Mary it’s one of her first attempts and it looks just beautiful. Well done on all who helped on this quilt :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Fish time

Kathy and Julie worked on this Kids quilt top with lots of fish fabrics. The quilting and binding has been done by Bryony, after a longer break back on the quilt frame, supper!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Airplanes and more

What a beautiful Quilt, lots of Helicopters, Airplanes and cars. This Charity Quilt top has been sewn by Gay. Then Sue took it on and quilted some fancy cars on it, great work!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Holiday travel Quilt

This time Bryony tackled a Holyday travel Quilt panel  as a charity Quilt. Why cut a nice panel apart when it just looks great in one big peace.
She did the Quilting by just running the quilting in straight lines along the small squares.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Origami squares

Nina gave us an other class in making Origami squares for bags. We brought our own fabrics along and she showed us how to put them together.
Thanks for that Nina and it’s always a good challenge.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Assorted batik rectangle’s

Bryony put together a Quilt top in batik fabrics. The pink, purple and greens just go to getter so well, it looks like a refreshing piece one of the kids at the Hospital will love it.
The quilting has been done by an other member but Bryony was ready to do binding, she likes to do that by hand.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Jelly roll challenge

Ruth tackled our first Charity quilt of the year. She chose to sew a jelly roll together in no particular order. For the quilting she chose to run a line in the ditch.
The black outlining just finishes of a beautiful picture. The secret pocket at the back can be used for secrets…

Quilt made by Lynne and quilted by Amelia.

   Comforts Quilts with Love project quilt finished. Supported by Mansfield & District Community Bank