Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We would like to thank the following for assisting us with funding to purchase a quilting frame.

FRRR - Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal

Mansfield Bush Market

Mansfield Men's Shed Association


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Funding and our work

 We create quilts for children with cancer, disabilities and other local charities.

We have successfully completed 55 quilts in the past 2 years.  There are 12 quilts currently in the production stage. The list of children being treated for cancer at the Monash Medical Centre continues to grow and we receive more names each time we make a presentation.  

In late 2012 we received funding from FRRR towards a quilting frame to grow our quilter’s skills, self esteem and encourage more people from our community to joins us in this worthy and rewarding project.  

Funding was also received from the Mansfield Bush Market Committee. 

Finally in March 2013 with further donations and support from MACE and the Mansfield Men's Shed Association Inc. we finally raised the required amount to purchase a John Watts quilting frame. 

Quilt made by Lynne and quilted by Amelia.

   Comforts Quilts with Love project quilt finished. Supported by Mansfield & District Community Bank