Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Breakup

Rhonda hosted the Christmas Party this year and we had great fun exchanging our Kris Kringle presents.  The meal was fantastic as always and we could not go without Rita's wonderful cream puffs. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Raffle Winner

On Thursday 12th December 2013 we drew our Quilt raffle.

The Lucky winner was Karen Cooper  of Canberra.

Here is Sue B, Nina Joan Tie (the creator of the quilt top)  Rita and Sue R drawing the winner at MACE

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Charity Quilt - Bug Jar

This is the finalization of a quilt we started as a group in September and Kathy has finished the paper piecing of the animals etc.

Dragonfly's were free motion quilted on the boarder.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cheeky Monkey - Charity quilt

This quilt was the creation of the night quilting group.

fabric selection

On the frame - a stipple pattern was used for quilting

A small sick child is going to love this one

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Moon, Stars and Beyond

Rita has put her quilting skills to work with wonderful children's quilt.

She is seen here designing and planing the quilting process on the machine and frame.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Night group test the quilting machine and frame

The night group has been going for a while and we set up a test quilt for them to experiment on.

Here Lyn and Roslyn can be seen examining the work from the floor for view of the back.

Quilt for Jarrah presentation

Jarrah is a local boy having treatment for cancer.   We presented this quilt to his mother and sister to support and comfort him during his treatment and recovery.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cheeky Monkey Quilt for the Children

The night group and making a cute cheeky monkey applique quilt for a small child.

Here is the fabric and the progress.  More pictures when quilting begins.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Quilting for Jarrah

This quilt is being completed for a local boy with cancer.

Many hands make light work with a number of members pitching in to complete it. 

A Quilt for a little girl

Sue B and Joan discuss fabrics for the little girls quilt for a child at Monash Medical Center.

Bug Jar Quilt

Kathy has been completing the paper piece block for the Bug Jar quilt started in September.

Here are some pictures.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Visit from South Australian Quilters

Yanne and her husband Phillip Watson were visitors to our Quilt Exhibition. We invited Yanne to show her work to our group and Phillip her husband to give us some pointers on the set up of our quilt frame.

Here are some pictures of Yanne's work which she designs herself.

Winner Quilt show door prize and Thanks to sponsors

Following on from our successful Quilt Exhibition the winner of the door prize was J. Bartnicki,  She is seen here with Sue Rochester receiving her prize.

Thank you to Quilt Exhibition Sponsors. 


Howard Singleton – Mansfield Temporary Fencing, 

Yencken Home Hardware,

Country Folk Craft Supplies

Marks IGA

Mansfield Historical Society, 
 without their support we could not have held our special day. 

More Exhibition Pictures

Quilt made by Lynne and quilted by Amelia.

   Comforts Quilts with Love project quilt finished. Supported by Mansfield & District Community Bank